Fun Friday has become a term many of us have used to end our teaching week with a good feeling.
So I will try that in my Friday posts.
If you have something fun-ny to share, send it my way to post.
We all need to laugh more so posts can be activities you do with your class or just a good story to make us feel good about what we do and our experiences as teachers, people.
There are few new ideas, they are just repackaged and renamed to sound fresh.
Reciprocal teaching is one that comes to mind. I came across a handout from the 1990's decade labeled teaching strategies and again in 2014 decade it was presented at a staff meeting with a new label, reciprocal teaching.
Teach-talk-share- turn to your partner- ......
So share with me .
Let's laugh and have fun.
My ideas for Fun Friday with students:
-keep it SIMPLE. It doesn't have to be an all day experience.
-pull out the SCRAP BOX and make something. No reason just CREATE. The complexity of their creations really develops throughout the year.
-PLAYDOH again. I usually try to change colors to keep it fresh. Try blending two primary colors and learn how to make a new color.
-SHOW and TELL. Students can bring in or tell something. We sit in a circle and one at a time we stand to take our turn to show and tell. Everyone participates. If a child has difficulty thinking of something, I provide a starter, 'tell about your pet, what you did last night, your favorite food ..' Even reluctant speakers can usually say something. At the end, they get to stand up and go to talk to someone personally to look at or ask something more. This usually takes 20 minutes. Try not to drag it out. Limit one item, picture or one topic. We also clap when the person is finished and sits down as a thank you.
-BIG BLOCK building. Sadly I do not have my big wooden blocks open everyday anymore in the academic world of kindergarten. It is important to continue this opportunity for learning. So dust them off and get them out.
-VARIETY OF MATERIALS to create something. Scraps of material, buttons, beads, colored glue, glitter, markers, colored pencils.
-HOMEMADE or SMALL MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS In our half-day kindergartens, we experienced art, music and p.e. within our own efforts. We used rhythm sticks, triangles, tambourines, bells, clackers, maracas, etc. If they are tucked away, pull them out to keep time with songs.
-DANCE PARTY Put on a video and/or music to dance for fun.
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