Monday, September 11, 2017

Patriot Day

September 11  Patriot Day

Pinwheels for Peace
Each  year our school has celebrated September 11th as a rememberance day and a day to honor our first responders in our community.  Each grade level is given a precut 6-inch square of red, white, blue wrapping paper.  Students color and decorate the backside.  The squares for kindergarten are divided into four triangular sections, drawn on the diagonal to designate areas to decorate.  

The squares are laminated and cut slits toward the center.  

The corners are pinned to the center and secured with a pin then attached through the eraser end of a pencil partially sharpened. (We partially sharpen the pencils so they can be poked in the ground easily.)

On Monday morning, students are given their PINWHEEL and we meet outside at our school flagpole.  The principal welcomes our guests of local firefighters, police, EMT first responders.  All together we recite the pledge of allegiance and show our appreciation by raising our pinwheels to the wind.  
We leave the pinwheels for the day for the community to admire.  It is pretty impressive.

Kindergarten students have also traced and cut out their hand shapes and we've made a large flag at the end of the hall.  
God Bless the USA
Hand-in-hand we grow!

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