Wednesday, August 9, 2017

A great idea

A great idea

So I had this great idea to freshen up my privacy dividers.  Many years ago I purchased Science boards and cut them in half to make privacy boards to use for our 'test taking' times.  The children have drawn and poked them so I needed to clean them up.
I brought them home with me this summer to paint.  Last week, I finally took them outside to begin spray painting them a fresh calming blue.  I had one side of three boards completed and ran out of one can of spary paint.  So I trotted off to Walmart and bought another can, I thought I had the same color...well, it was close...then I added up how much it would cost me to do my 15 boards on both sides.  $$  and the spray paint was going to need a second coat to cover...
I went back to Walmart and bought a gallon of flat wall paint at around $10.  I laid my painters tarp on my garage floor and started again.  The paint covered nicely, even filled in many of the holes the kids poked.  (Notice the band-aid on the corner?  My assistant took to using a band-aid to cover larger holes, hoping that it would discourage the kids from hurting our boards. Haha) Well, I squeezed 12 boards on the tarp and painted one side while I listened to my music.  I was feeling happy!
The next day I decided to do the other side AND then it rained.  Water seeped under the garage door and the tarp soaked it up..... yes, my cardboards were wet too.  NOW they are ruined (well, the big kids at my house are going to use them for target practice!!)  
I have 3 boards I can still do and then when I go back to school, I will shell out more money again and buy new science boards....I'll paint these but will watch the weather!!

Yes, it was and is a good least these new ones will not have holes that I will need to fill.

Do you have a good idea to share?  Let me know.
One day a week, I want to send out a 'Tell me something good' quick post.  It will be my attempt to get back into blogging again but not be toooooo challenge.
It won't be long...just something good to share.

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