I can't believe how time flies. Well, I'm back, as they say...
Mother's Day flowers
I ask the students what does their moms do.
Well, "your moms do a lot for you." so wouldn't the best gift would be that YOU help mom.
They love it. (Of course they want to please.)
This is my all time favorite.
Pick a flower
And you will see
The job you will pick
This week for me.
I make a preprinted flowerpot that needs to be cut, folded and glued ONLY on the sides. Explain that the flowers need to be able to slide in. I used to have the students make their own flowers such as tulips, daisy always showing an example. But their flowers were usually too small. Then I thought, USE your hands.. I like these much better.You can write any kind of kid 'job' they are willing to do.
I think I need to make the poem a little smaller so they can decorate around it so it doesn't cover up the flower pot as much.
I believe in student process (experience) over product. They can do this themselves and it looks pretty nice.
Another easy project for mom: Print a poem and paint the student's hand, print and color details for a stem and leaves.
I'm all in for easy.
We ordered our butterfly larvae and we are so excited to watch the caterpillars grow every day. It is a great incentive to use softer voices so we won't scare them from growing!
We have a journal that we record our observations. Great science project and meaningful learning new vocabulary.
Love Denise Fleming's IN THE TALL, TALL GRASS for a writing project and cutting fringed grass we can draw picture of what we saw. It is a fun way to example the Life Skill of curiosity.
I still find magazine pictures useful.
To show a purpose for writing and reading, I decided one day to not talk ---REALLY! I hung a dry erase board around my neck and wrote my words. Their work was continued from the day before. I used a lot of hand gestures appropriate for my five year olds. (I did talk with adults in school but not in front of the class.) As far as the students understood, I couldn't talk. I have had a few sore throats and hoarse voice but made it through the day and many children thought I had a bad sore throat.
Finally at the end of the day, I wrote on the message board:
The following day I explained the difference between that I DID NOT verses I can and will not talk. Some children really thought about it.
It was a fun challenge for all of us.
17 more student days for me! Where did this school year go?